"I started the Modern Midwife because I wanted to have a chance to make an

impact on some of the toughest challenges in maternity"

The problem for the modern mum is not scarcity of information but all the misinformation that exists from untrusted sources, fake news, social media feeds and adverts. Most of this information is not at the centre of what women need because journalists, influencers and companies often have their own agenda. Most of this information serves the source as opposed to the expectant parents.

Modern mums are faced with an overwhelming amount of options, opinions, advice and complex decisions at such an emotional time. It is really confusing. I believe that women should not be limited by finances or their personal situation, equality is a must in maternity. Embracing our digital age is a good way to share information, expertise and opinions.

Imagine a world in which no one is limited by their circumstances to better understand modern motherhood. It would affect the entire the human race.

Pregnancy is of course such a life changing journey and it’s important to me to ensure women everywhere have easy access to evidence based information so that they can make informed decisions, be the birth boss, trust their mumstinct and approach motherhood with confidence.

Whether you are planning for a baby, just found out you are pregnant or well into your third trimester, this guide to pregnancy, birth and beyond will help you to feel confident, informed and inspired about your exciting journey ahead.

You’ll discover fascinating facts that underpin everything you and your baby will go through, including how your nervous system is synced with your baby, the unique process your baby goes through to pass through the birth canal and how you work together in labour as well as incredible facts about breast milk

Packed with the most up-to-date findings and expert insights, you will find everything you need to prepare for motherhood and, most importantly, understand and appreciate just how amazing you and your baby both are!

Please click here to order your copy.

You got this!
